- (512) 814-TOWN
- coldtownehq@gmail.com
2. Discounts with your Student ID
You can see shows FOR FREE on Standby if you show your ID to the box office at any of our shows. Standby means that when a show is not sold out, you will be admitted to the theater first come, first served. Discounts do not apply to special events and festivals. Visit our shows page to plan your visit.
You can get 25% off at the ColdTowne MarQet on all snacks and non-alcoholic beverages during shows by showing your card.
During classes, you can make a purchase using the QR code on display and the discount code yesandknowledge. However, you will need to ask your teacher for assistance as students are not allowed behind the counter.
If you have questions or comments about registration, payment, classes, or any other aspect of the Conservatory, you can email the Conservatory Director.
For teachers and students;
If you have had COVID-19 Exposure or Potential COVID-19 Exposure
In case of a Positive Test Result
Post-illness (when you can return to class)