The ColdTowne Conservatory is Austin’s premier long form improv and sketch comedy training center. With a focus on the development of each student, our award-winning faculty provides a classroom experience that fosters developing your unique point of view while providing you with the tools and techniques for creating and performing comedy by yourself or collaborating with others. Our graduates can be seen headlining shows all over Austin, performing in festivals around the country, and appearing on screen in commercials, films and television.

“My classes at ColdTowne are teaching me the skills to find my voice while simultaneously silencing my internal pessimist. Opening new paths in my creative process, laughing to the point of tears and being surrounded by amazing, supportive new friends? Lagniappe.”
Terry Woodroffe, Level 3 Improv Student


Our instructors have taught and performed at some of the most respected comedy institutions in North America including the Second CityiO, and UCB Theaters. They’ve toured to cities and festivals far and wide, and they continue to practice what they preach. As working comedians, they routinely play to sold-out houses and among them have won every major Austin comedy award — including a critic’s nod in the Austin Chronicle for “Best Improv Instructor.”

Before every single show, improvisers look each other in the eye and say, “I got your back!” Our faculty lives and breaths this credo, and are fully committed to helping you develop to your full potential at ColdTowne.


We believe that everyone can become a great improviser, whether you’re an experienced performer or have never set foot on stage in your life. Our classes build confidence, improve public speaking, increase spontaneity, foster creativity, and — most importantly — are tons of fun. Whether you’re interested in a career in comedy or just looking for something wildly entertaining to do with your free time, our classes will help.


We believe that all great comedy is rooted in truth. Our classes focus on building strong comedic characters and exploring the truth of the moment. We believe that comedy is play. Our classes focus on making bold choices and rewarding risky behavior.

Most importantly, we believe in a well rounded, utilitarian approach to comedy education. Over the last seventeen years, we’ve developed a program that will help you find your own comedic voice and technique. To get there, we believe a student needs to take classes, but also to perform and see shows. As a ColdTowne student, you will have ample opportunity to cut your teeth in front of an audience as well as see shows at ColdTowne for free!

Questions about classes? Email Conservatory Director Asaf at