ScholarshipS & INTERNSHIPS

We are a participating theater with the Black Improv Alliance as part of the 100 Black Improvisers Partnership. Are you Black and interested in improv? BIA is committed to matching improvisers of all ages with theaters throughout the country providing scholarships for their programs. 

The ColdTowne Conservatory Diversity Scholarship is more than a tuition award, it’s Mentorship + Inclusivity + Support.


Recipients will receive a full level (8-week session) of classes. If after your first level of classes you wish to continue, simply re-apply for the next level before the deadline. And YES it possible to receive a full scholarship for all six levels of ColdTowne’s comprehensive, fun and award-winning style of improv training.

In addition to classes, recipients of the ColdTowne Conservatory Scholarship will be paired with a seasoned improv mentor to help make the experience even more fulfilling.


Your personal ColdTowne mentor will be there to help you stay connecting in the community, make sure your questions are answered and point you in the right direction toward reaching your improv comedy goals.

Together, you can see some shows, nerd out on comedy, and learn all the official (and unofficial) ins and outs of ColdTowne.

Don’t worry, the amount of time spent with your mentor is completely up to you. Your mentor is just there to have your back.


ColdTowne Theater strives to be a conscious, inclusive training center and theater offering some of the best improv comedy training and shows in the country.

We believe the more diverse and inclusive our improv community is, the more powerful, funny and sustainable the art form will be. It is our goal that as many voices as possible be heard and represented with dignity, appreciation and respect.


Your voice matters. In addition to supporting you through classes, it is our hope that you will find friends and a comedy community home here, where you can be fully self-expressed, have your voice heard, and your point of view seen and shared.

If this sounds like the best thing ever, good!


To apply for the ColdTowne Scholarship simply click on the link below.
We hope to see you in our classes, on our stage and in our community.


  • ColdTowne Welcomes anyone who self identifies as a person interested in improv comedy that could benefit from a scholarship for classes and is not currently enrolled in improv or sketch classes at another theater or conservatory.
  • Applicants must be between at least 18 years old at the time of application.
  • Applicants must be able to arrange their own transportation to and from classes and shows.
  • Applicants must be able to attend the full 8 week session of classes (you can miss 1 class if you need to – we know life happens) and attend at least one free show per 8 week session.
  • Applicants must be willing to answer a few short questions about their ColdTowne Conservatroy experience via email or on-line survey. (This will help us to continually improve the experience for each scholarship recipient.)


Reach out to



Recipients will receive a full level (8-week session) of classes. If after your first level of classes you wish to continue, simply re-apply for the next level before the deadline. And YES it possible to receive a full scholarship for all six levels of ColdTowne’s comprehensive, fun and award-winning style of improv training.

  • How much can I save off of tuition with a ColdTowne Internship?
    You can receive anywhere from 50%-100% off of your tuition depending on the night you are working or the role you fulfill.

    What kind of time commitment makes up an internship?
    Internships last the full 10 weeks of a class session (Each class is 8 meetings scheduled over 10 weeks to allow for things like cancellations or bonus classes at the instructor’s discretion). Depending on the night you are working you would need to be at the the theater from about an hour before shows start until a half an hour after shows to allow for cleaning. This is subject to change based on class schedules.

    What are the responsibilities of a ColdTowne Theater intern?
    Interns make our shows happen. Some things you can expect to do on a given night includes selling tickets and concessions, some light cleaning, operating lights and sound for a show and some light administrative tasks like tracking attendance and sales.

    I have a commitment that may cause me to miss a shift or two, can I still intern and get that sweet discount?
    The expectation is that if you accept an internship, you will be able to commit to the entire 10 week session. However, life happens – and you can swap shifts with another intern if there is an emergency. Interns who swap an excessive number of shifts may be removed from the program.

    What else do I get?
    In addition to that sweet discount, you’re now on the fast track to getting involved with the theater. You’ll meet performers and faculty more quickly than if you were only taking classes, and you’ll also get to see more shows, all supporting your improv education.

    I can’t commit to a weekly internship schedule but I have (graphic design, videography, audio, web development, etc.) skills I’d like to offer in exchange for classes.
    We have Back of House internships available, but they require having a reference. When you apply, drop the contact information of your reference in your application so we can follow up.

    How are interns selected?
    Anyone can apply to become an intern! However, returning interns are given priority for continuing positions. If an intern is graduating or cannot return to their role, we begin contacting new applicants during Week 6 of the current session. Training takes place during Week 9. We will keep a wait list for prospective candidates in the event that positions become available mid-session. If you’re not selected for an internship the first time around, please feel free to apply again next session!

    I have other questions!
    If you have a question that wasn’t covered here, please email our Conservatory Director at