The Radio Smoking Jacket Comedy Hour debuts Thursday, August 18th!

Greetings and salutations, stout yeomen and consumers of infotainment! In bold defiance of scripture, ColdTowne Theater and McCormick Lint Seed Oils proudly present a gluttonous buffet of comedy bits, recorded live for the slothful pleasures of the housebound and the lustful indulgences of widows! (Also: wrath! envy! greed!) Each month, The Radio Smoking Jacket Comedy […]

Yo, Austin! Fall Comedy Preview at ColdTowne

Hey guys, now’s as good a time as any to go ahead and formally announce some big-time schedule changes happening at ColdTowne Theater. Austin comedy nerds rejoice! We’re moving to seven nights a week of live comedy as well as offering a broader range of special events and runs of shows with better production values. […]

Stool Pigeon Moves To Tuesdays! Pay What You Want!

The cast of Stool Pigeon reads like a Who’s Who of ColdTowne improv, a collection of our most prodigous graduates and teachers. Each week, a special guest will be the “Stool Pigeon”. The pigeon relates several stories from their (real) life, providing a bevy of details and thematic do-dads for the others to take and […]

Bad Boys Present: Sin

Thursdays at 8:30pm in August, join Bad Boys as they mine sin for all of the laughs it can yield.  What causes people to commit adultery? Overeat? Cut you off in traffic when you’re late to a movie? Bad Boys will get to the root of these daily transgressions and then blow them out of proportion to discover […]

Improv Fantasy League is Go!

Saturdays in August! Mom’s apple pie. The Lincoln Memorial. Making out. None of these things are nearly as quintessentially American as a good old fashioned football. The old gridiron. The pigskin. Two teams of hot sinewy dudes matching wits on a field of battle. And nothing’s more quintessentially hilarious than people fantasizing about playing football. […]