A word from Kyle Romero on Sex a.k.a. Wieners and Boobs

by Kyle Romero, Director of Sex a.k.a. Wieners and Boobs at ColdTowne Theater Directing this play (Sex a.k.a. Wieners and Boobs by Joe Lo Truglio, Michael Showalter, and David Wain) is literally a dream come true.  I came up in the academic world of [extremely Homer Simpson voice] legitimate theatre. I’ve done Shakespeare. I’ve done Greek […]

Announcing ColdTowne Theater’s 25th Main Stage Season

From Will Cleveland, Artistic & Academic Director Folx, we’re so thrilled and honored to have these creative teams bringing their shows to the ColdTowne Main Stage starting this fall.  Echo Lake Midsommar  October 04 – Nov 02 Produced by Echo Lake A stay at a drug-filled pagan commune in rural Sweden might not be everyone’s ideal […]

Meet Y’all We Asian: Headlining at Spider House in September!

ColdTowne Theater is home to so many of Austin’s most adept (read: hilarious) improv troupes. Over the years we’ve seen some of these comedy teams turn their improv comedy from your typical improv show to something bigger. Y’all We Asian, Austin’s first and only all Asian-American comedy troupe has done that time and time again. […]