beginner improv
levels 1-2

improv level 01

Learn the fundamentals of improv comedy and meet cool new people in the process in level 1! This course is designed to help students unlock their inner creativity in a fun, silly, and supportive environment. Whether you want to become a better writer/actor/performer, or you just want to improve your self awareness, communication, and relational skills, level 1 improv will build your confidence both on-stage and off. This class will teach you how to celebrate who you are through honesty, spontaneity, playfulness, and saying “yes, and.”

This course is 8 classes plus a performance. No Prerequisite.


improv level 02

In Level 2, students will strengthen their characters and scene work, and learn how to perform a fully improvised show. Students will deepen their characters and sustain a scene by playing comedic games and building a rich, improvised world. As students gain the ability to sustain improvised scenes, they will learn how to knit these scenes together into a longform improv set. Level up your basic skills and move closer to becoming Austin’s next improv legend by registering for Level 2 today! 

This course is 8 classes plus a performance. Prereqisite of having completed a Level 01 Improv Class