Jams are a free and fun opportunity for improvisers of all levels to get together and play with one another and make new friends in the community. Check out our upcoming jams below.

FREE EVERY FRIDAY AT 7PM at Drew’s Gym and the ColdTowne Improv Jam everyone is welcome to come play in improv scenes and work out their improv skills! Whether you are a student in classes who wants to reinforce what you’ve learned, a graduate looking for new people to perform improv with, or anyone curious to try out whether improv is for them, you can come play with us in a fun and safe environment!
From 7:00pm to 8:30 we will do warm-ups and two-person scenes that are coached by experienced improv teacher and performer Drew Wesely. You’ll build the muscle memory of finding the Game Of The Scene and being playful and silly while Drew has your back making sure that scenes don’t cross into being uncomfortable. Then in the ColdTowne Jam you’ll form into teams and perform mock improv shows as if you were in front of an audience. You may try different styles of shows like you’ve seen onstage at improv comedy clubs, or play freeform montages following the funny!
All of this is provided at no charge (tips welcomed), and you can arrive late, leave early, or bring a friend, it’s very casual and relaxed. Socialize with humorous people and have your own creativity supported!
2008 Justin Ln. across from Justin Plaza, in the main community center hall.
Follow https://www.instagram.com/

ON THE SECOND WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH, Fellowship Improv hosts a space created for BIPOC improvisors to come to together in community to tell to practice an play improv.
4706 N Interstate Highway 35.
Be sure to check Fellowship Improv’s Eventbrite page in case of change in scheduling or location.