Beware and behold!
ColdTowne’s own Comedy Bazaar proudly presents A Brief History of Murder, every Saturday in February at 8:30 PM.
Enjoy a deep red soak in our newest mainstage sketch show, an expertly-carved, acid-laced comedy production that explores the dark side of human nature.
Comedy Bazaar will shock and amaze as they present a killer new sitcom from NBC, put the orange back into Clockwork Orange, debate the nitty gritty details of Satanism, and put a new twist on the classic train mystery.
Comedy Bazaar writers and performers recently sat down with the master of spoken word eclecticism, Slappy Pinchbottom of Austin’s KOOP radio to discuss the show. Here’s an excerpt…
Slappy: So, what are some of your favorite murders from the distant land known as history?
Matt: I always enjoyed the death of the emperor Valerian who was flayed and his skin was stuffed and hung on the wall of the Persian king’s court.
Slappy: Flayed and stuffed?
Matt: Totally flayed, yeah.
Slappy: That’s a fantastic murder.
Alex: Yeah, the murders of royalty and high emperors. It’s sort of like, well, maybe they need to be taken down a peg.
Slappy: That’s a big peg.

Alex: The Archduke Franz Ferdinand holds an interesting philosophical place because people say that his assassination was the cause of a world war.
Slappy: With Ferdinand, somehow murder was a force multiplier on the persons around him… Please don’t take that too seriously, listeners. I’m so afraid that I just said that to the wrong person out there in radio land.
Alejandro: I’ve always been fascinated by the Zodiac killer. It’s such a weird tale. It seems like fantasy. This guy had the entire city of San Francisco on Lockdown and people fearing to go out at night… There’s something intriguing about these people that have such power and break all the rules. That’s sort of the impetus for the show… murder is a part of humanity, unfortunately.
Nicole: There are weird grey areas where sometimes we’re okay with exploring certain things and sometimes we’re completely against them… it’s fascinating and frightening.
Catch Slappy’s Odd Preoccupation, on KOOP 91.7 FM, Sunday February 1st at 4:30pm.
And then catch A Brief History of Murder every Saturday in February.
Laugh long into the abyss… and let the abyss laugh long into you!